Early stage investing themes for 2022: Emerging Asia

Emerging countries in Asia stand at a digitalization inflection point that will also play out in Central America and Africa in the next five years as smartphones, digital infrastructure and better logistics all come together.

This is our view on eight big trends in developing Asia that will shape investments and growth in the next three years across Philippines in the East to Pakistan in the west.

For Miti Ventures, tokenization at corner shops is central to how we serve small merchants and we will be waiting to make early moves as the infrastructure tripod of UPI, OCEN and Beckn gets exported from India to other developing countries in South East Asia.

We will be beneficiaries of transformations in rural supply chains and even drive some of these changes where small merchants are central to the flows.

‘Voice first’ has been our design principle and it is getting validated in commerce, in content and also in community applications.


2021: Fintech trends in emerging Asia